Browsing the "Loss" Category

POETRY by Erika Martinez

March 18th, 2014 | by Erika Martinez

red  blood moon new slim line dark maroon drools from my womb connecting vulva to pooled water below three menstrual

MIL by Frances Badalamenti

February 12th, 2014 | by Frances Badalamenti

The morning after enduring twenty hours of sober-no-pain-drugs labor, two months after my mother died, I am sitting on the


January 17th, 2014 | by Jennifer Pastiloff

I often think about the choices we make as humans and about how sometimes those choices, seem futile, naïve, masochistic.

LUCA: Carla Grossini-Concha On Loss

November 22nd, 2013 | by Carla Grossini-Concha

It’s Sunday morning, November 10th. I always thought weekend mornings were going to be so full of life and noise.

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