Published on August 28th, 2014 |
by Robyn Jordan
JUST THE TWO OF US: A Comic by Robyn Jordan
When I experienced the loss of a pregnancy, it took a long time to draw my separated self together again. The more I’ve shared about my experience, the more I’ve connected with others who have experienced this kind of grief.
Tags: body, body work, CAM, Comics, Craniosacral, Grief, healing, loss, Massage, miscarriage, pregnancy, Robyn Jordan, therapy
About the Author
Robyn Jordan
Robyn Jordan is a cartoonist and illustrator who makes mini-comics and journalistic comics essays. She lives in Seattle with her partner, and is a member of the (mostly) queer art/comics collective THE HAND. She leads all-ages workshops, and teaches art in a public school. She serves on the board of Short Run, a comics and arts festival founded and organized by women.
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