Published on October 16th, 2015 |
by Lisa Lim
BREASTFEEDING IS THE TITS: Or at least that’s what they say… Comics by LISA LIM
Mommy-hood is a total trip. It’s filled with raspberries, sleepless nights, tickles, a lil ick, lots of yuck, lost socks, curiosity, oodles of drool, and so much more. To see more about the funny side of Mommyhood, check out
Tags: "breast is best", bottle feeding, bottle feeding with love, Breastfeeding, Comics, fearless formula feeder, formula-feeding, Guinness, Guinness for milk production, lactation consultant, Lisa Lim, low milk production, milky milky, not a boob man, Nursing, on balance, similac
About the Author
Lisa Lim
Lisa Lim is a comic storyteller born and raised in Queens, New York. Her work has been featured in Guernica, PANK, The Rumpus, PEN America, and Mutha Magazine. Her short illustrated story, “The Hunger” was featured in an anthology edited by Joyce Carol Oates, Cutting Edge: New Stories of Mystery and Crime by Women Writers. Find more of her storytelling here.