About Lisa Lim

Lisa Lim

Lisa Lim is a comic storyteller born and raised in Queens, New York. Her work has been featured in GuernicaPANKThe RumpusPEN America, and Mutha Magazine. Her short illustrated story, “The Hunger” was featured in an anthology edited by Joyce Carol Oates, Cutting Edge: New Stories of Mystery and Crime by Women Writers. Find more of her storytelling here.

Author Archives: Lisa Lim


November 1st, 2023 | by Lisa Lim

Am thinking of you mi Madre

Here We Go Again: A Comic

January 29th, 2021 | by Lisa Lim

Remote learning or in-person learning? Whatever decision you made, you had to stick to it for the rest of the school year. No backsies. What made it even tougher was deciding whether to stay put at my in-law’s house in the middle of nowhere, or go home to the city.

Good Riddance, 2020: The Motherhood Edition

December 30th, 2020 | by Lisa Lim

2020, you’re the worst. You shoved about a decade worth of regretful history into one year. You were unrelenting in your onslaught of drama and tragedies. Good riddance. And as my son likes to say, “You were a total poopy head.”

Being an Asian Mom Amid the Coronavirus

March 13th, 2020 | by Lisa Lim

When the fear is as contagious as the virus, you get Xenophobia. And in this current political climate, permission to hate is granted from the top down

Twinkie Mama: Comics

July 11th, 2019 | by Lisa Lim

“Am I a Twinkie Mommy?” It’s the question I always ask myself as a mother to an Amerasian child.  “

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