Browsing the "Milk" Tag

Food Source

November 12th, 2024 | by Annah Feinberg

Cluster feeding. Again. And again.


February 16th, 2023 | by Eloisa Pérez-Lozano

I can't turn off the monumental mother of a role

First Unbroken Sleep

June 13th, 2022 | by Anna Laura Reeve

After four and a half hours of unbroken sleep       I feel like a swan  The ‘trying to

Elegy for My Magical Milk-Producing Breasts

April 6th, 2021 | by Erica Hoffmeister

I hear the platitudes: you’re going to miss these days. Despite years of correcting assumptions about my never-baby-fever, I begin wondering if the adage is, in fact, accurate. I’ve lit myself on fire with feeling guilty for my inability to revel in the moment. I just want it to end.

When the Monsters Live in Mom’s Closet

August 31st, 2020 | by Lauren Tanabe

After months of attempting every contortion that existed in the space between her mouth and my breast, it became clear that if I wanted her to have my milk (and this, I knew I needed), it would have to be pumped, squeezed, and wrung out of me

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