Browsing the "International Adoption" Tag

She Wasn’t Ever Ours to Keep

February 5th, 2024 | by Elizabeth di Grazia

Every time Mayra was pregnant, the father said the child was not his. But after he learned we'd adopted one of his children, he threatened to kidnap her

Mosaic: Things Lost, Found, and Taken

June 23rd, 2021 | by Cheryl Klein

The family stories hovered like the clouds of dust that were inflaming Cass’ sinuses. Like dust, they’d been there forever, and I never quite saw them

How Families Change

December 8th, 2020 | by Esther Cohen

I knew it would be in a city, and I wanted my friends to be unfamiliar and different. Why are some people drawn to what is familiar and others of us the opposite

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