Browsing the "Daycare" Tag

Rejecting the Selfless Mother

November 9th, 2023 | by Megan Evans

I was nine months clean and sober when I got pregnant. In the naivete of early sobriety, I thought I had life figured out and was ready to share this wisdom with a child.


February 11th, 2019 | by Kuo Zhang

Pregnancy I have known the secret joy of pregnancy, clip-clop of heartbeats in duet, high-fives across the belly, a mini-stove

Smart Enough

September 6th, 2018 | by Cheryl Klein

Sometime during the lovely, delusional years that C.C. and I daydreamed about having kids, we found ourselves in the apartment

On Sitters

July 28th, 2017 | by Caroline Horwitz

1. Pauline was my first, though I have no memory of her. I started going to her house at eight

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