About Stephanie Sprenger

Stephanie Sprenger

Stephanie Sprenger is a music therapist, freelancer writer, Executive Producer of Listen To Your Mother Denver + Boulder, and mother of two daughters. Her work has been published in O Magazine, The Washington Post, Cosmpolitan.comRedbook.comand Brain, Child Magazine, among other places.

Author Archives: Stephanie Sprenger

Maiden, Mother, Bitch

June 12th, 2023 | by Stephanie Sprenger

In a culture obsessed with youth and all things supple, how does one embrace a role some traditions actually label a hag

The Anti-Feminist Agenda of Family Wellness Night

April 13th, 2021 | by Stephanie Sprenger

I visibly flinched when my husband added that I “was always there for the family.” I irritably swirled the singing bowl a few perfunctory times and sent everyone off to bed with an edge in my voice.

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