About Mimi Iimuro Van Ausdall

Mimi Iimuro Van Ausdall

Mimi Iimuro Van Ausdall, Ph.D., is a writer and teacher based in Minneapolis. Her writing has appeared in Catapult (forthcoming), MUTHA, #MinneAsianStories, The Journal of Lesbian Studies, among others. She is working on two projects–a book of essays called Almost: Essays from an Almost Asian, Almost Lesbian, Almost Blind, Almost Mom and a YA novel that follows three misfit teenagers who come together to take down a racist guard during their time at a Japanese-American internment camp. She can be reached at mvanausd@gmail.com and twitter: writer_mimi.

Author Archives: Mimi Iimuro Van Ausdall

Parenting in Low Light

August 13th, 2020 | by Mimi Iimuro Van Ausdall

my vision was the least of my worries when I thought of bringing home two babies. That is how unaware of the extent of my blindness

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