About Jessica E. Johnson
Jessica E. Johnson
Jessica E. Johnson is a career community college instructor based in Portland, Oregon. She’s the author of the book-length poem Metabolics (Acre Poetry Series), the chapbook In Absolutes We Seek Each Other (New Michigan Press), and the memoir Mettlework: A Mining Daughter on Making Home (Acre Books). She is a contributor to Cascadia Field Guide: Art, Ecology, Poetry, and her poems, essays, and reviews have appeared in The Paris Review, Tin House, The New Republic, Poetry Northwest, 32 Poems, River Teeth, DIAGRAM, Annulet Poetics, Terrain, and Sixth Finch, among others. She co-hosts the Constellation Reading Series.
Author Archives: Jessica E. Johnson
May 21st, 2024 | by Jessica E. Johnson
And how, then, do you let the baby know that you belong to her entirely when you see her mostly on weekends