About Erica Hoffmeister
Erica Hoffmeister
Erica Hoffmeister is a wandering soul from Southern California who now lives in Denver, where she teaches college writing and advocates for media literacy and digital citizenship. She is the author of two poetry collections:
Lived in Bars (Stubborn Mule Press, 2019), and
Roots Grew Wild (Kingdoms in the Wild Press, 2019), but considers herself a cross-genre writer, with various works published in several journals and magazines. Learn more at:
April 6th, 2021 | by Erica Hoffmeister
I hear the platitudes: you’re going to miss these days. Despite years of correcting assumptions about my never-baby-fever, I begin wondering if the adage is, in fact, accurate. I’ve lit myself on fire with feeling guilty for my inability to revel in the moment. I just want it to end.