About Altaf Saadi

Altaf Saadi

Altaf Saadi is a Harvard physician with expertise in refugee health and trauma. Her work has been published in the Boston Globe, Boston Globe Magazine, LA Times, Washington Post, and STAT News, among others. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Her research and advocacy has focused on health disparities, police violence, and immigrant/forcibly displaced populations. She was named a 2021 National Minority Quality Forum “40 under 40 Leader in Minority Health” and received the 2023 Bernard Lown Award for Social Responsibility, a national award for health justice leadership. She is a graduate of Yale College and Harvard Medical School.

Author Archives: Altaf Saadi

Gaza in My Daydreams

July 10th, 2024 | by Altaf Saadi

I find myself grappling with the stark contrast between my reality and the reality endured by children and parents in Gaza. I wonder if other mothers are having daydreams-turned-nightmares like me.  

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