THE GOOD LIFE: Lacunae, an Elegy for My Mother, Part I — by LISA WILDE
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
Excerpt from Philip Larkin’s poem
“This Be the Verse”
My mother died at 95 on March 23, 2011. Most of the drawings in Lacunae: Elegy for My Mother spilled out—unbidden, uncontrolled, raw—after her passing, and were clearly connected to my grieving. I call them Lacunae (which means “blank, a missing portion”) because it was her death that released this river from my unconscious.
Lacunae: Elegy For My Mother ties these images of unfiltered emotion into a life’s narrative. “The Good Life” is the first installment of my story, which will be serialized over five parts, weekly, on MUTHA Magazine. Follow MUTHA for the next chapter.
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