Browsing the "teen muthas" Tag

Graffiti Mom: MOMZ1

November 7th, 2022 | by Lisa Hanson

In his teen years before he moved out, I was often up in the night or would jerk awake with the image of him falling, unable to return to sleep again

My Brain on Bedrest

September 15th, 2022 | by India Garms

This is where I finally got to cash in on my “Person-with-a-Uterus-Who-Wishes-to-Do-Away-With-It” Punch Card: I had already given birth (at 16, no less), I was married, I was 30. Tic-tac-toe, three in a row

Chasing Respectability

October 3rd, 2017 | by Jen Bryant

Recently, my sixteen year old son and I went out to dinner at a local pizza place. Homework-free evenings are

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