Browsing the "marriage" Tag


December 23rd, 2024 | by Jennifer Alessi

That Christmas night, my daughter in my arms, my cat by my feet, my heart glowed like a ruby wedged under rock

D is for Divorce

August 10th, 2023 | by Sara Sadek

Divorce, assuming shared custody, does what most marriages don't: it protects at least some of a mother’s time from being simultaneously beholden to both the paid work of her profession and the unpaid work of mothering. 

The White Horse

August 2nd, 2023 | by Catherine Cleary

We lived for months with his hypomania, both of us sure something was wrong, but clueless as to what

Writing From the Center: A Conversation with Maggie Smith

July 27th, 2023 | by Jen Bryant

"I somewhat naively believed that if I applied enough thinking and feeling and time and energy towards somehow solving the problem of my marriage falling apart, that by the time I got done with the book, I would get it — I would understand what happened, and I would be able to set it down."

We Are the Cry

July 19th, 2023 | by MD

That I managed to not be aware of my own queerness in two of the most famous places to be queer in the United States is somewhat of a bitter pill to swallow

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