HOLDING THE LINE: Nurse-Ins to Occupy ICE
For the past two Saturdays a group of mamas have gathered outside of the ICE detention center in Portland, OR to breast/bottle feed their babies in protest of the Trump administration policies that have separated roughly 2,000 children from their parents.
They were invited to hold the line during the nationwide Families Belong Together march on June 30th and decided to make it a weekly event until meaningful change happens in regards to ICE.
Mamas nursed their babies, while toddlers played and older kids colored with chalk and blew bubbles. A strong sense of community was present, as they sat outside the highly organized and well functioning camp that has been in place for a few weeks.
The Occupy ICE Portland camp has inspired a movement across the United States.
The local community and businesses seem to be generous and supportive, providing food and other tangible donations. People who drive by often honk and wave in support.
Documenting the participants has been such a unique experience. And while it’s outside of the my scope in some ways, as I mostly document births, in others it represents everything I stand for as a photographer. I feel honored to participate and photograph history in the making. Staying quiet no longer feels like an option.
First published at Nailed