99 Problems
Published on October 19th, 2016 |
by Amy Kurzweil
HOME OF THE FREE: Confessions from My Bubbe’s America by AMY KURZWEIL
Amy Kurzweil’s memoir about her grandmother released this month, just in time for the election. Flying Couch “exposes the complicated and powerful ways we are shaped by the histories and relationships that anchor us,” writes Tahneer Oksman. Go buy it from your local indie bookstore.
P.S. Bubbe is now voting for Hillary.
“Home of the Free” is co-published with Narrative.ly
Tags: Amy Kurzweil, baby pressure, Bernie Sanders, Clinton, Comics, grandmother, graphic memoir, Hillary Clinton, history, Holocaust, I'm with her, Imwithher, Jewish, Make America Great Again, My Grandmother is voting for Trump, Narrative.ly, not ready to have a baby, Nursing home, politics, Trump
About the Author
Amy Kurzweil
Amy Kurzweil is the author of the debut graphic novel Flying Couch, which received a Kirkus star and is a Junior Library Guild pick. Her comics appear in The New Yorker and other publications. Her short stories have appeared in The Toast, Washington Square Review, Hobart, Shenandoah, and elsewhere. She teaches writing and comics at Parsons School of Design and at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Amy lives in Brooklyn.
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