Sign Up for MUTHA’s Mailing List! Or Check Your Spam if You Should Be On It
MUTHA is in midst of converting our old-fashioned “follow” feature within WordPress to a (sort of) prettier email campaign. The first newsletter should be coming at you today, in fact you hopefully saw it in your inbox about 1pm EST.
If you did NOT get a new mail-chimp-style formatted email newsletter today, and think you should have, then 1) check spam and white-list the sender or whatever else you might need to do via dragging and dropping to teach your interface that MUTHA is the best; 2) if that doesn’t work, sign up here!
IF YOU ARE A BLOG-ONLY FOLLOWER IN WORD PRESS (and if you are, then you know what that means), please sign up for the newsletter. Pretty please. We are going to maintain blog-only following for now, too. But we may in future include special events/news/etc. only in the email format. Don’t miss out.
OK some of you are getting this in your inbox and thinking WTF, I am on your mailing list, I am getting stuff now twice, I am mad at you… Didn’t I auto-add you to a UX twitter list, why in the world did I do that because you are not living up (seriously, don’t do that, all Meg’s tweets about UX design are ironic).
We are sorry. You can avoid duplicate emails by unsubscribing at the bottom of the WordPress emails or by clicking here. Otherwise, we’ll fully discontinue that system by next week, I am in fact hand-deleting emails now, maybe yours is already gone, so you should not get (many) more duplicates going forwards.
PS: Come to see MUTHA at our first-ever Lit Crawl events on 10/1 (in NYC) and 10/15 (in SF). In NYC, you can find me (Meg) in person and lay it on me what you want to see in future email newsletters. Or in San Francisco, go tell Rhea St. Julien she is amazing and thank her from the bottom of my heart for MC’ing West Coast (she will know nothing about the newsletters)
Feature punny image of little lego dude is by Brick 101 and as posted under creative commons license