About Megan Hanlon

Megan Hanlon

Megan Hanlon is a podcast producer who sometimes writes. Her words have appeared in Raw Lit, Variant Literature, Gordon Square Review, and other publications both online and print. Her blog, Sugar Pig, is known for relentlessly honest essays that are equal parts tragedy and comedy.

Author Archives: Megan Hanlon

Half-Past Childhood

August 17th, 2023 | by Megan Hanlon

The days skid into one another and make years. Each successive year has been different, but not necessarily easier.  

The Unknowable Weight of Origin

February 10th, 2022 | by Megan Hanlon

My five-year-old gazes up sleepily and asks, "Can you show me how to get an egg donor? Because I want to be a mama someday too."

The Strength of Surrender

April 27th, 2021 | by Megan Hanlon

Did a case worker visit my mother's house, sit with her at the same oak breakfast table where I had eaten countless Pop Tarts and watch while she signed paperwork allowing strangers to take guardianship of me

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