About Julie Bolt

Julie Bolt

Julie Bolt is an educator, writer and mother of a college student.  She is an Associate Professor of English at Bronx Community College at The City University of New York. Her scholarly book is called Border Pedagogy for Democratic Practice. Her poems have appeared in The Raven’s Perch, Home Planet News, Shot Glass Journal, New Verse News, Scissors and Spackle, Writing in a Women’s Voice, The Red River Review, Slow Trains, Poetic Diversity, and Zygote in my Coffee, amongst others. She has been a featured reader in NYC, LA, and Malta. She is active in the NYC Poetry Circuit. Julie is currently an Andrew W Mellon fellow in Transformative Learning in the Humanities.

Author Archives: Julie Bolt

When I met him

September 12th, 2022 | by Julie Bolt

Tuesday. The social worker arrives at the Los Angeles Park. He scrambles out of the back seat and laughs excitedly. He

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